MYAndroid Protection has proudly been chosen and awarded "The BEST anti virus app in whole Android Market" by Chief Editor, Steen Jorgensen, ANDROID Magasinet.
Get the best Android Protection on the market, now a full year for only 29.99€. Included 3 months of unlimited VIP support, worth 21.00€. Normal price is 51.00€ so save 40% now. Promo: ONE year of full security for your Android, only 29.99€, 40% off retail price.
Why should you install a security product like MYAndroid Protection? Today we share private information with friends and other contacts via sites like Facebook and Myspace, Yahoo mail, Gmail, Hotmail, and MSN. Private user accounts on these sites have all been hacked by Internet criminals. Lots of virus and spyware come from browsing the Internet through Google, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Online trading and online banking is also these days normal for most of us. Credit card protection and fraud prevention when purchasing online via sites like Ebay, Amazon or even online shops like Wal-Mart and Best Buy is simply needed.
Anti virus protection:
* Block virus, malware, spyware with anti-virus and security
* Ensures emails, contacts, bookmarks and text messages are safe
* Scans media files for malicious software
* Can be run daily, weekly, or on demand
* Real-time anti virus monitor
* Anti virus scan every app you download to ensure its safe
* Get anti virus protection against the latest threats with automatic anti virus updates
Backup and backup recovery:
* Contact backup and restore
* Backup to SD Card
* Backup to Web
Anti-Theft protection:
* Remote Lock
* Find your lost or stolen phone by locating it on a map
* Activate a loud alarm to find your phone nearby, even if it is on silent
* Remote Wipe to delete personal data from accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and YouTube that are connected to your phone
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